8 Summer Jobs For Teachers

Summer Jobs For Teachers

To put it simply, summer jobs are jobs that are done in summer. During the summertime most of the schools have vacation leaves, hence providing the teachers with the perfect opportunity to try their hand at doing a job that’s something different than their normal one. 

Including such varied roles on a CV showcases adaptability, a willingness to learn, and the ability to thrive in different environments, all of which are valuable qualities in education and beyond. A well-crafted resume with a polished appearance will consistently capture attention. Nowadays, there are numerous CV templates available that can effectively address this concern!

In this article, I will be discussing “summer jobs for teachers” and more. Keep reading till the end to find out more information about the same!

Wondering what are some of the best summer jobs for teachers? Well, here is a list of some of the more popular summer jobs for teachers:

1. Camp Counselor

Camp Counselor

The Camp Counselors work in both creating and implementing camp schedules for kids. Their primary duty involves working alongside the other staff of the camp and supporting the different campers throughout the summer. 

The camp counselors also look after the safety of the participants of the camp and then provide them with new activities and entertainment for each new day.

The average salary of a Camp Counselor is $14.97 hourly.

2. Blogger


The Bloggers work in producing written posts for various online platforms, frequently writing on different niche topics. For the bloggers who have their blog, frequently make money through the medium of affiliate links – which are sponsored posts. 

They might also generate revenue by implementing different ads for the different services and products in their posts. 

The average salary of a Blogger is $18.61 hourly.

3. Swim Instructor

Swim Instructor

The swim instructors work in instructing the various adults and children on different swimming techniques. They also assess each of the student’s performance and create personalized lessons for them. 

They also need to aid the students in improving their performance in terms of swimming and ensure their water safety at all times. 

More importantly, they give their students feedback to make them get better at swimming. 

The average salary of a Swim Instructor is $21.56 hourly.

4. Freelance Editor

Freelance Editor

The Freelance Editors produce effective pieces of written content on any given topic. They might provide this service on a contractual or publication basis. To do this, first, they need to research topics and then write a blog/article about them before submitting the final draft to the editor. 

Being a freelance editor is one of the more popular options for online summer jobs for teachers. 

The average salary of a Freelance Editor is $25.90 hourly.

5. Tutor


This is pretty self-explanatory, right? The tutors aid different students belonging to various grade levels, with their lessons. They also have to work on reviewing lesson materials, aiding the students in solving their lesson-related queries, and at the same time providing encouragement and motivating them. 

The average salary of a Tutor is $23.40 hourly. 

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the best summer jobs for teachers.

6. Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

The Virtual Assistants provide administrative and clerical tasks frequently for a senior employee at any company. Their primary duties include answering phone calls, scheduling appointments, and assembling newsletters. 

Some virtual assistants are also required to create blog posts for social media – for their employer or client. 

The average salary of a Tutor is $23.40 hourly. 

7. Transcriptionist


A Transcriptionist works by listening to or recording live meetings and taking down notes based on what they hear. 

Before turning in their transcribed work, they have to review the transcriptions and correct their grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This is indeed one of the best summer jobs for teachers to opt for. 

The average salary of a Transcriptionist is $18.36 hourly.

Tip: You could search “summer jobs for teachers near me” to get a list of available jobs near you, on Google.

8. Copywriter


The copywriters work in producing a clear copy for a wide variety of clients and mediums. They make use of SEO (Search engine Optimization) strategies and then generate content that is engaging for the readers. This job comes under the category of part-time summer jobs for teachers.

The average salary of a Copywriter is $23.82 hourly. 

Tips For Getting Summer Jobs

Tips For Getting Summer Jobs

Here is a list of some tips that you can utilize for yourself to get summer jobs:

Search For Jobs That Enhance Your Skill Set

Consider jobs that are going to enhance your skill set even more. For instance, there are jobs where you are going to be able to exercise your critical thinking or creativity skills – which are in turn going to aid you in the classroom. 

You also have the option of looking up jobs that are tech or science-related and which are going to help you stay updated with the latest developments in those fields. What that’s going to do is that you are going to be able to teach such subjects later on with greater expertise. 

Make Use Of Mobile Apps

You can consider using mobile applications that aid you in searching for summer jobs. There are a lot of such applications out there that would be able to help you in searching for seasonal openings, part-time jobs, and side gigs. 

After you create your profile on these applications, you can begin looking for available open positions. There are also a lot of apps that allow users to search for jobs by entering particular keywords and filtering out jobs that are going to suit their needs the most. 

Search Jobs With Your Present School

You can even try searching for jobs at your present school wherever you are currently teaching at. For instance, some schools offer students summer courses – hence proving itself as an opportunity to showcase your expertise. 

Your school district might also have other opportunities for jobs available that you might be eligible to pursue. 

Using apps is going to make your job-hunting process go much quicker. 

To Wrap It Up!

To Wrap It Up!

If you are a teacher and are looking for a suitable summer job then make sure to consider the options that I have mentioned in the article above. Happy summer job hunting!

Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information regarding “summer jobs for teachers” useful. 


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