What Is Bookbub?


BookBub is a free service that aids readers in discovering new authors and books. It offers a lot of things for both the users and authors alike – discounted and free books, author updates, recommendations for books, articles about books, etc. 

In this article, I will be discussing the platform “BookBub”. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information on the same!

About Bookbub

Bookbub is an free service that helps hundreds of readers discover books that they will love while still providing the authors and publishers with a way to drive sales and get more fans. You are going to get Bookbub free books here.

After joining, the members receive bookbub deals which are unbeatable and hand-selected from their expert team of editors. They also provide people with personally selected recommendations from the bookbub partners they trust. 

Benefits Of Getting Started With Bookbub

Benefits Of Getting Started With Bookbub

Here is a list of some of the benefits that you are going to get when you get started with BookBub’s services:

Get Real Time Updates From Your Favorite Authors

When you set up your profile on the platform of BookBub you are going to have the option of following particular authors. Whenever any of your favorite authors release anything that’s related to the book, you are going to be amongst the first ones to get to know about it. 

This is also not limited to new releases only! You are also going to be notified when any of their books are up for pre-order, promotion, etc. 

Get Recommendations From People You Trust

If you ever feel stuck thinking about what to read then BookBub has got you covered. The platform makes it easy for a user to get recommendations from your friends/family – whoever shares a similar taste in books. But to give out recommendations, these people also must have their BookBub account. 

Tip: To get started with their services you have to register an account at theirs. Only after that will you be able to bookbub login and get started with reading books.

BookBub For Authors

The platform of BookBub is very effective for the various authors out there. Even then the fact also remains that it is extremely hard to make a book get accepted on this platform. There are a lot of people out there who had to try more than ten times before they finally got accepted. 

Here is a list of some tips that I would give, which are effectively going to help you in getting your books featured on the platform:

1. Try And Make It The Best Deal

The platform wants to provide its users with the best and most effective deals. Hence, make sure that you are trying to offer up your written book for free or maybe as low as $0.99. If the price is set anything beyond $2.99 then they most likely won’t feature the book.

2. Give Out The First Book Of The Series

The platform of BookBub always loves a book that is the first in the series. This is because it is going to make money off of all the affiliate sales of all your other books – when the buyers purchase the rest of the book series. 

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more about the platform of Bookbub!

3. Gather More Reviews

The platform of BookBub does not have any limit to the minimum number of reviews. More number of review gives the impression that a book is more popular. This also provides the editors with an idea of how exactly the readers are going to respond to a book.

4. Get It An Amazing Cover

The readers of this platform, as like most of the readers out there, really do love judging a book by its cover. Hence, you need to make sure that you are making a book cover that has an eye-catching design. 

5. Complete The Series

It might be so that after your entire series is completed and made available on all the platforms, they might accept your deal. Offering up a more complete series is going to make your deal even more appealing. 

6. Make The Book Available On All Possible Platforms

The platform mainly likes deals that appeal to all of the readers. Even though you might see sometimes that they feature books that are exclusively available on Amazon. You are going to stand a much better chance if the book is made available on all of the platforms and also if the deal is made available for all of the territories. 

7. Keep Submitting

It is very important that you do this. You need to submit your book at least once a month. This makes your chances of getting your book featured on the platform more strong. 

Targeting The Readers

Here are a few ways you are going to be able to target suitable readers on the platform:

Retailer Preference

You need to reach the different readers who prefer very particular retail stores. 

Author Interest

You need to reach out to readers who have an interest in authors who write in the same genre/niche as you. 


Make sure that you are targeting region-specific readers on the platform.

To Wrap It Up!

To Wrap It Up!

If you have never given this platform a chance before then by all means go ahead with it. Both for readers and authors there are plenty of available benefits on this platform. 

Thank you for reading up till the end of the article. I hope you found the given information regarding the platform of “BookBub” useful.


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